Sunday 15 March 2020

Indonesian cuisines

hyiii peeps
Feel a little chilly in my blog here today, eh? Maybe it's because my outfit? or my food? Haha.. ahhh maybe course of my food. I wanna to share to you about Indonesia cuisine in Kuching Sarawak.. That restaurant i will call "warung Nusantara.. It's all about Indonesia Food.. 

my favourite menu.. Ahhh i cannot move on from this food.. Sup Iga and Ayam cabey Hijau.. It's all original from Indonesia.. I love so much about that taste and everything.. hehe.. Because i'm so hungry right now.. ngeeeee...

Ayam cabey Hijau..

Sup iga.. actually like sup tulang in Malaysia.. Waitttt, i'm not eating two palate rice wokey.. Just only one...hehe...

as usually i wanna share my ootd with u gais..Love so much my cardigan.. 
skirt: Hzs boutique (instagram)
cardigan: Neko Neho Japan
snakes: Vans

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